Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pilgrims are proud witnesses

We are at last a complete group of 23!  The second group of pilgrims joined us in Izmir just before midnight last night, and were up again for breakfast and out the door by 8:30 am this morning.  The pilgrimage is officially underway!  Our reflection and theme for the day comes from Philippians 1:12-20...valuing the witness of the gospel over our ourselves.  We set out in the city to think about - and act - according to the word and NOT for selfish ambition.

Izmir (known as Smyrna in the ancient world) is a lively, bustling city, located at the edge of the Agean Sea.  We set about to investigate, first to the Polycarp Church, the oldest church in Izmir and has quite a history over the centuries.

Next stop...the Agora - or at least what remains of it, as the ruins are under restoration.  At one point a bustling marketplace, flourishing under Roman rule, Smyrna was warned that it would be a church that would suffer persecution.

We enjoyed the trip out to Pergamum, a citadel located about 1000 feet above the valley it overlooks.  The ancient city had 4 distinct levels that have been excavated, leaving some impressive remains, including a Hellenistic theater with 10,000 seats.  We trekked up the theater steps and through to see the different areas, altars and remains, not to mention the breathtaking views of the entire valley below.  We listened to a reading from Revelation 2:12-17, where John makes it clear to the church at Pergamum that they need to prevail in the midst of their oppression (commonly known as Roman rule), demonstrating a commitment to live for Christ, regardless of anything that might be going on in the world.

While the lessons and words of the day were significant and cause for a good deal of reflection, do not by any means be fooled into believing that we are at all times serious and without any levity.  Oh no, there is plenty of that going on too, as we are pilgrims who know (and enjoy) having a good time.  Check out a few of our photos HERE and tune in tomorrow for the next installment in our incredible journey.

1 comment:

  1. This trip is awesome! Whether you are a skunk on stage or a spiritual journey you are always out front. lol lol Try not to sing too loud. Love you, Jan Newton's Mom xoxox


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