Friday, September 28, 2012

Pilgrims rejoice & pray

It is hard to believe that today was the last full day for the pilgrims in Greece - there is so much to see and it seems as if we have only just started the pilgrimage!  This journey is certainly a celebration of joy for each of the pilgrims, something that we discussed and studied a bit in Philippians 4:1-7 as we set out for points north - Kavala and Philippi.

The northern coast as it looks out over the Aegean Sea is stunning and was quite enjoyable to drive through, viewing the almond trees and grapevines.  Besides being dubbed Greece's prettiest mainland port and harbor, Kavala also serves as a very significant point on this pilgrimage, as it is where Paul landed with his disciples, Timothy and Silas.  In fact, it is the first point in Europe that Paul visited.

Our trek north continued until we made it...Phillipi.  There was SO much to see and do, and we are active pilgrims who don't want to let an experience pass us by!  This chronicle of events will not do the experience any justice, so when your favorite pilgrim returns, you will have to ask them about their time in Philippi.  Here is a feeble attempt to capture the highlights of our time today:
  1. Communion at the site where Lydia was baptized.  We had a reading from Acts 16:11-15, shared in the liturgy of communion, remembered our baptism and experienced a great time in some beautiful scenery, set amongst shady trees and a flowing stream
  2. Agora at Philippi where Paul and Silas were flogged and imprisoned (without a trial - a serious violation of rights to a Roman citizen). We read Acts 16:16-24 here
  3. Jail at Philippi where Paul and Silas blessed and baptized the jailer (and his family) who asked how he could be saved after an earthquake freed all of the prisoners.  We read the whole story in Acts 16:25-40
These are the 'things" that we did.  The experiences are much richer and mean so much more to us, collectively and individually.  We found many opportunities to rejoice today, for this is a pilgrimage that is fun, but more importantly, it is joyous because it is about how we find and see God in what we do together.

Speaking of fun and joyous, check out a few of our best PHOTOS here, we are a good looking (and it would seem, humble) bunch!

Tomorrow we are off to Rome.  The 4 am wake-up call is not exciting everyone, but we will persevere!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jan, for this blog. John and I have so enjoyed following Carrie's travels via your words and photos. You've given us a wonderful gift.
    - Sheri


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