Friday, September 14, 2012

Pilgrims Arrive – part 1

It took a bus, a plane, another plane and another bus and about 24 hours to accomplish, but group 1 of the SOTH pilgrimage have arrived!  We are now in Ankara, the capital of Turkey and while we haven’t had the opportunity to actually SEE or DO much, we are pleased to report that all have arrived safe and sound and are ready to engage in all that the fine country of Turkey has to offer.

The trip thus far has been very smooth and enjoyable, our friends at Lufthansa do a remarkable job in keeping everything moving quickly and on-time.  The food on the flights was tasty and plentiful too! 

We pilgrims will get about 6 hours of sleep before the first wake-up call comes through (there are two wake-up calls, strategically planned just in case we have any residual sluggishness from the long trip over), then it is breakfast together and onto the bus, where our adventure will begin for the day.

Stay tuned, there is plenty of good stuff to come.  In the meantime, let us entertain you with a few of the travel action shots that we took at the airport. (click on the link/highlighted text)

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