Monday, September 10, 2012


As we the pilgrims plan and prepare for our epic trip, it is comforting to know that our family and friends prepare too - offering good travel advice, insight to some of the locations that we will be visiting, encouragement to pack smart so that we can keep those suitcases at or under 44 pounds...preparation is an important part of the journey!

For those of you holding the fort down at home, thanks for taking the time to lift this group up in prayer and support and thanks for tracking us on this blog!  It is our intention to post each day from wherever in the world we might be, starting with the first group to arrive for the Cappadocia pre-tour.  Between the time change (about 10 hours between California and Turkey/Greece, 9 hours for Rome) and travel time (almost 24 hours start to finish!), you can expect the first entry to be late in the day on Saturday, September 15th.  If we can post something earlier, great, but no promises until we get on the ground and know the lay of the land!

You can opt to sign up to follow this blog if you like.  Becoming a "follower" means that you will receive notifications every time that we post or someone leaves a comment.  However you choose to engage and interact with this blog, we thank you for your support and are very excited to share our adventures with you!


  1. Wishing you the very best on your journey! Can't wait to read/hear all about it! Safe travels my friend!


Please feel free to leave a message, we will pass it along to your pilgrim!