Monday, September 24, 2012

Pilgrims belong to Christ

The pilgrims are on the move again, having landed at the port outside of Athens bright and early, we headed straight for the Acropolis and Parthenon to begin our education of Greek history and how it relates to our Christian history through Paul and John.

The text for the day was Philippians 3:1-6.  The most basic lesson is simply, we don't boast of our faith or worship other things...we live our lives by example as servants.

This lesson and theme was very appropriate for the day (as is always the case), as we learn of Paul's time in Athens, addressing the Athenians from what looks like a large rock located above the Agora and below the entrance to the Parthenon.  It is today called Mars Hill, notable to us, for it is here that Paul addressed the Athenians (check it out in Acts 17) about a life with Christ versus an unknown God, and in that converted several people to Christianity through a personal relationship, helping them to require nothing in return.  This was a dramatically different approach for the Athenians, all of whom were very invested in their pagan lives and expected to have to sacrifice something to any of the Gods they worshiped.

The lesson for us in this story is that Paul was not bringing God to the Athenians, but rather was putting a name to what was already inside of them.  The same is true for us as pilgrims and in our daily lives; we witness and live a life that demonstrates grace, love, joy and peace.  Each person finds God in their own way and in that, we belong together.

Tired of our PICTURES yet?  We didn't think so.

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